Senin, Juni 13, 2011

The animals that body Color Pink

1. Pink Frogfish

Ikan ini banyak ditemuin di teluk Mexico dan Laut Karibia. Panjangnye sekitar 10~20cm dan hidup di kedalaman 100m. Uniknya sseluruh badannye PINK bro..!!!
2. Pink Dolphin

Pink dolphins live in the Amazon River and some rivers in the region of Latin America. Has a length of about 2.5 meters and the most striking is his skin color PINK

3. Pink Fair Armadillo

These animals include species of armadillo (mammals of the family kind Dasypodidae) and are found in the territory of Argentina. And these animals also PINK ..!!!
4. Pink Iguanas

Iguana first time this species was found in 1986 and identified as one particular species of cypress which are found dikepulauan Galapagos. And these animals also PINK
5. Pink Katydid

Well, if that was original ya pink locusts. This grasshopper many ditemuin in the mountains of Pennsylvania. And again diraguin ga ni really animals indeed PINK

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