1. Pink Frogfish
2. Pink Dolphin
3. Pink Fair Armadillo
4. Pink Iguanas
5. Pink Katydid
Ikan ini banyak ditemuin di teluk Mexico dan Laut Karibia. Panjangnye sekitar 10~20cm dan hidup di kedalaman 100m. Uniknya sseluruh badannye PINK bro..!!! |
Pink dolphins live in the Amazon River and some rivers in the region of Latin America. Has a length of about 2.5 meters and the most striking is his skin color PINK |
3. Pink Fair Armadillo
These animals include species of armadillo (mammals of the family kind Dasypodidae) and are found in the territory of Argentina. And these animals also PINK ..!!! |
Iguana first time this species was found in 1986 and identified as one particular species of cypress which are found dikepulauan Galapagos. And these animals also PINK |
Well, if that was original ya pink locusts. This grasshopper many ditemuin in the mountains of Pennsylvania. And again diraguin ga ni really animals indeed PINK |
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